Tag: Roundtable

Roundtable: Civil War in Cinema

Join speaker Dr. Brian Steel Wills as he shares the story of “Civil War in Cinema.”  Ken Burns once said that the impression made on the American psyche by the… Read more »

Roundtable: Myths About Lee’s Surrender

Join speaker Patrick Schroeder as he explores “Myths about Lee’s Surrender.” Many are familiar with the April 9, 1865 surrender at Appomattox Court House by Confederate general Robert E. Lee… Read more »

Roundtable: The Tale of Two Brothers

Join speaker Emmanuel Dabney as he shares the story of ” A Tale of Two Brothers: James and Robert Roantree’s Civil War Experiences.” The Petersburg Civil War Roundtable (PCWRT) will… Read more »

Roundtable: Civil War Railroads

Join Bert Dunkerly who will present on November 2, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. to the Petersburg Civil War Roundtable. Dunkerly will share the story of “Civil War Railroads.” Robert M…. Read more »