
Pamplin Historical Park is blessed to have among our museum’s collection of artifacts and images, a large archive of documents dating to the 19th Century – including the famed Wiley Sword Collection which was donated in 2015. Many of those documents, (ranging from personal letters to general orders) are too delicate for display, so to advance our mission of education and preservation we are making digital copies of these invaluable resources available to the public for use and research.

This is will be a long-term ongoing project. Check in frequently to see what new documents have been added!

We cannot escape history… The fiery trial through which we pass will light us down in honor or dishonor, to the latest generation.

-Abraham Lincoln


Documents dating to before the Civil War; including civilian, Seminole Wars, and Mexica-American War documents

Civil War

Personal letters of soldiers and civilians, general orders, staff endorsements, etc.


Memoirs of soldiers and survivors, letters from their descendants, and recollections of reconstruction

Image Requests

High resolution scans of the full documents featured on this website are available for a small fee. If you are interested in a digital copy please download and review our Image Request Policies & Fees, then submit an Image Request Form.

Research Library

Did you know that Pamplin Historical Park also hosts a Civil War Research Library? We have over 3,000 titles and periodicals to browse through. The library is open to the public for use by appointment. Call or click the link below to make an appointment!

(804) 861-2408 x 306


The Latest…

Catch up on the latest documents to be uploaded to our digital archive by clicking,